Best CrewLounge alternative for Pilots

With Excel Pilot Logbook, you get a far more affordable and enduring electronic logbook.

It’s a universally accessible format for life, editable, and easily customized. Put it on Google Drive, and it’s in the cloud and backed-up for free.

No subscriptions – yours for life!

Excel Pilot Logbook
FeaturesExcelPilot LogbookCrewLounge
PlanEnterprise +
Price$45 USD one-time fee$47 USD / per year
Unlimited EntriesYesYes
Sync between Mobile DevicesYesYes
View in any Web Browser (using Google Sheets)YesYes
Take-off / Landing CurrencyYesYes
IFR CurrencyYesYes
Print LogbookYesYes
Digital Signatures for Certificates/Endorsements (see our work-around here)Yes
Automatically Import from Airlines, ACARS, ADS-BYes
Automatically calculate night timeYes
No SubscriptionsYes
No Forced Cloud-sharingYes
100% Control of your dataYes
100% Yours to keep for life, guaranteedYes
Life-Time Cost (over 40 years)$45 USD$1,880.00 USD

“You can still have a fully-functioning electronic pilot logbook, without paying a subscription fee each and every year.”

Trusted by 7,000+ Pilots.

Watch our 5-star video review by Aviator Inspirations, then get started on your own electronic logbook.

YouTube video

Download Excel Pilot Logbook

Get instant access to download your logbook spreadsheet directly to your computer.

Export CrewLounge / MCCPilotLog data

Reports -> Exporters -> Export Flights (Tab). Save the .txt file and open it with Microsoft Excel.

Import hours

Copy and paste each column from your CrewLounge or MCCPilotLog .txt file .txt file into your Excel Pilot Logbook.

Detailed Import instructions »

Still not 100% convinced?

That’s okay, you can still access our free e-book every pilot should read – 7 Crucial Things You Must Know Before Starting An Electronic Pilot Logbook.

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Topics covered: Rules & Regulations, Paper logbook requirements, Verifying calculations, Cost comparison, Backup tips and Future-proofing.

Cessna Pilot Logbook

Start logging flights smarter today.