Logbook spreadsheet for Glider Pilots
Pilot Logbook spreadsheet template in universal format for Glider Pilots. Featuring automatic calculations, hour summaries and currency tracking – the perfect electronic backup pilot logbook.
Overall rating ★★★★★ 4.6 / 5.0 from 7,240+ downloads
$129 per year $45 USD lifetime-license, no subscriptions.
Glider Logbook totals
Our professional spreadsheet automatically calculates and summarises both your Glider logbook and custom hours for every type of aircraft. This includes PIC, SIC, single-engine land, helicopter, actual instrument and more.
Default logbook headings are set up based on the International Glider Pilot Logbook format + many more.

Recency Monitoring
View your total launches, including launches for every individual aircraft type. It’s never been easier to keep track of your 90 day launch currency than with the Excel Pilot Logbook. Colour-code the minimum number of Aerotow, Self-launch or Winch launches required to be “green” / current.
Flight Hour Summaries
Excel Pilot Logbook allows you to summarise Hours flown in the last 7, 28, 90, 365 days or whatever time period you specify. Graph your Flight Hours vs Launches in the last year + many more reports.

Automatically count the number of times you have reached a certain Height Gain, Distance travelled or Flight Time Milestone. View the Longest distance, Longest flight and highest altitude gain achieved. All milestones are customisable.
FAA 8170-1 form
Automatically populate a flight hours summary for FAA licence applications. The printable table is compatible with the FAA Form 8710-1, Airman Certificate and/or Rating Application form.

Custom Glider Logbook Template
Because our Pilot Logbook is an excel spreadsheet, you’ll be able to change whatever you’d like. Modify the Jeppesen logbook headings, add or delete columns, add more aircraft types or even customize flight and duty hour limitations along with color alert levels.

Sync pilot logbook with mobile
Access your Excel Pilot Logbook anywhere with free apps like Google Sheets. Any new flight entries are automatically saved and backed up in the Cloud.
Google Sheets is like an online, free version of Excel. Use your pilot logbook online in any web browser, iPad, iPhone or Android device with the free App (optional).
Web Browser access
Logon to the Google Sheets website in your Web Browser and upload your file to access your Pilot Logbook Online – it’s safely backed-up in the Cloud 24/7.
Google Sheets App
iPhone and Android Apps give you free access to your Pilot Logbook spreadsheet on any mobile device – even when there’s no connection.
Excel Pilot Logbook comes with multiple tabs within the same spreadsheet:
Logbook Entries, Dashboard and Settings tabs.
Scroll the logbook table (below) to the right to view all columns
TO |
1/1/21 | Phoebus | DMG | NZMA | 0835 | NZMA | 0910 | Self | Circuit | 3,000 | 0:30 | 1 | |||||||||||||||||
The blue table above represents the Logbook Headings which are based on the international Glider Pilot Logbook (the design may differ slightly). All heading names are customizable. You can also add new Custom Columns.
Glider Pilot Logbook
With a comprehensive range of categories allowing you to track your flights in great detail, Jeppesen logbooks are beloved by student pilots and experienced professionals alike.
Keeping a logbook is more than just a practical convenience – it’s a legal necessity for any aviation professional. But because there are no regulations about how logbooks need to be laid out, aviators face an almost overwhelming range of options to choose from.
With our digital spreadsheet, you get all the benefits of this time-honoured format as well as the advantages of digital convenience.
Our spreadsheet allows you to record the same flight specifics + many more including:
- Year
- Date
- Glider Make and Model
- Glider Identity / Registration
- Flight Route (From, To)
- Total Flight Duration (automatically calculates from your Start/End times)
- Flight Details
- Launch Type (Aerotow, Self-tow, Winch)
- Flight specifics (Distance, Height Gained)
- Type of Piloting (Solo, Multi-Pilot, Dual Received, Instructor)
- Landings (Normal, Outlandings)
- Remarks and Endorsements
- + Customizable blank columns
TRusted by 6,000+ pilots
Fellow American pilots rate it ★★★★★ 4.6 / 5.0

This is by far the best solution out there for new-generation professional pilots who want to want to keep an electronic logbook. You can stay up to date across all mobile or computer devices using selected cloud services. I love being able to access my logbook anywhere just through Excel and have it sync automatically. I came from Logten Pro and this much easier to use, as well as being cost-effective. Highly recommended.★★★★★
– Aaron, Airline Captain

I too hate subscription-based logbooks. The only one that is nice is LogTen, all the others are horrible or they require gymnastics to fill them properly. But LogTen has two HUGE problems: almost $150 per year and ONLY Mac & iOS. Sucks. After huge research and a lot of tryouts, the Excel logbook solution is the only one really cost-effective, fully customizable and really cross-platform. Nice job!★★★★★
– Matt, Captain

I switched to this from some of the more expensive app-based electronic logbooks that require subscriptions and have never looked back. It’s brilliant!★★★★★
– Tom, A320 First Officer

Perfect! Thank you again, can’t think of any way to improve on it. It definitely meets my needs. ★★★★★
– Harold, US Army Pilot
Disclaimer: unfortunately, the Excel Pilot Logbook does not automatically calculate night hours.
$129 per year $45 USD lifetime-license
Our one-time fee will save you thousands. No subscriptions. No exceptions.